Tutoring Services at the Learning Commons
Free peer tutoring for all Utica University students
Why Peer Tutoring
More students than ever are using Peer Tutoring! We could all use extra support, so why not come meet with a peer tutor who may have taken the same class as you? Our tutors are friendly and approachable, and 100% of students who came to tutoring last year said on an anonymous survey that their tutor made them feel welcome.
- All peer tutoring is free–you’re already paying tuition, so why not take advantage of this fantastic resource?
- Our main location is the Library Learning Commons (on the first floor, directly to the right as you walk in), but we will have satellite locations in Learning Services and Wilcox, which will be open to all. Satellite locations will be drop-in only.
- Tutors are available for most subjects including writing, math, science, business, criminal justice, and cybersecurity. We also have tutoring in study skills and writing for any class. Click here to see a list of current courses we cover. If you need a tutor for a subject or class and can’t find one, you can email us at tutoring@3327e.com.
- Tutoring is available in-person both by appointment and by drop-in. View tutor bios here!
How To Use Peer Tutoring
- To make appointments or see drop-in availability, please use the Navigate Student app and select tutoring. (You can find the app on Google Play or the Apple App Store; you can also access the system via the web interface. For instructions using the app, view this brief explainer.)
- You will then select what kind of tutoring you want from the drop-down menu: course content, study skills, subject specific skills, such as Biology study skills, writing, or grad/upper level writing.
- Sessions are 50 minutes.
- Library Drop-in Appointments. While most tutors will be available via appointment in the Library, you can also feel free to drop in. A tutor may have an opening or, if another student misses their appointment, you can take that appointment.
- Our main location is still in the Library Learning Commons, and most of our tutoring there will be by appointment, but we encourage you to stop by for a drop-in, as if someone misses an appointment, you can take their slot.
- We will have drop-in availability at a number of satellite locations, including at Learning Services.
- Link for growth mindset: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/dweck-growth-mindsets
- CLICK HERE to view the list of courses for which peer tutoring is currently available.
- All tutoring sessions will take place in-person at the Learning Commons.
- Tutoring sessions are conducted by trained and qualified peer tutors who are selected based on academic achievement, supportive faculty recommendations, and an application and interview process.
- Tutoring services are FREE to all matriculated Utica undergraduate students. You are already paying tuition, so why not take advantage of this support?
What your fellow students say about Tutoring
Here are a few of the things Utica University students have said about Peer Tutoring:

ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring
ThinkingStorm is an easy-to-use online tutoring service available to Utica University students. ThinkingStorm can help with a variety of subjects, many of which are available 24/7/365.
ThinkingStorm tutors are expert tutors who are trained to help you succeed in a personalized, one-on-one session. Every ThinkingStorm tutor is a college graduate with previous teaching or tutoring experience, and 85% have advanced degrees.
What can I expect from ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring?
With ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring, you can:
- Access 24/7/365 drop-in live tutoring for topics in Math, Science, and basic Statistics
- Receive comprehensive feedback on written drafts via ThinkingStorm’s 24/7 Writing Center
- Schedule online tutoring appointments for a wide variety of subjects
How can a ThinkingStorm tutor help me with my writing?
ThinkingStorm can help you improve your writing skills by providing guidance on the following elements of academic writing:
- Organization
- Argument
- Clarity
- Cohesion
- Grammar
- Formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago)
Writing support is available across the curriculum and through the doctoral level.
How do I get started?
Just log on to ThinkingStorm with your Utica username and password. It's that simple!
More Information

Mary Quinn
Graduate Assistant / Writing Consultant
Hi, I’m Mary! Utica University’s newest Writing Consultant GA.
I have experience in both undergraduate and graduate research, as well as numerous upper-level writing intensive courses. I am passionate about both academic and creative writing, and am looking forward to supporting you along the writing process!
Schedule an appointment with me - no draft necessary! For in-person appointments held in the Library Learning Commons Peer Tutoring center, use the Navigate Student App (select "Grad/Upper Level Writing") or, for online appointments, book an appointment on Google.
More Information on Upper-Level Writing Support:
The Graduate Assistant Writing Consultant works with Utica University upper-level undergraduate and graduate student writers across all subject areas to:
- Help you gain confidence as a writer
- Learn how to understand writing conventions in your chosen field
- Learn strategies for drafting, revision, proofreading
The writing consultant can work with you at any stage of the process - from brainstorming to revising - so come anytime for help. You don't even need a draft to get started.
- 50-minute sessions
- All online
- For Utica University graduate students and upper-level undergraduate students (300-level or above) only
"For me, peer tutoring at Utica University has been an incredible experience. Utica's tutoring program has truly helped me overcome academic challenges to succeed in my studies. Peer tutoring has the power to transform even the most apprehensive students into enthusiastic, highly motivated learners."
- Kimberly M., Criminal Justice, Class of 2022

Our Mission
Our mission is to empower Utica University students to become independent, successful learners by providing academic skill-building, resources, and learning opportunities through quality tutoring.
Learning Commons staff hold equity and inclusion at the heart of our student support practices. Our tutoring space is an open, welcoming, comfortable, and mutually respectful learning environment which allows student clients and tutors to ask questions readily, express themselves fully, and evaluate their learning fearlessly. We do no tolerate speech or actions that disrupt this core value. Our aim is for peer tutoring to be easily available, accessible, and beneficial to ALL students. If you feel it isn't, please speak up! we appreciate hearing from you and improving our practices as a result. To get in touch with Kathleen Savino, the Director of the Learning Commons, send an email to tutoring@3327e.com.
We believe:
- Learning is an ongoing, recursive, and collaborative process that requires individual curiosity, resourcefulness, and creativity.
- Learning involves crossing boundaries, taking risks, reflecting honestly on one’s needs, and being vulnerable in seeking help.
- Meaningful academic support honors each student's unique learning journey, meets them where they are on that path, and guides them in developing growth mindset, self-awareness, self-advocacy, and autonomy.
- Active learning environments produce engaged and effective learners with the metacognitive tools to transfer their knowledge and learning to new contexts.
- A community of learners is best served when all academic support staff, including student tutors, are facilitated in their pursuit of professional development and growth.
Still having trouble finding tutoring help?
Special Requests: If you are unable to find a specific undergraduate course or subject offered by either peer tutors or online tutors, contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your request. However, we cannot guarantee a tutor for every subject/request. Please be sure that you have viewed all schedules and tutor availability on Navigate and on ThinkingStorm before making a special request.
The tutoring experience is collaborative, and both the tutor and the student play a role.
Tutors Offer:
- Clarification of material
- Practice with course concepts
- Assistance with skills and strategies for how to learn course content
- Test preparation and test-taking tips
- Help with the writing process
However, Tutors Do NOT Offer:
- A quick fix the night before a test or quiz
- A substitute for attending class
- A substitute for meeting with the course instructor
- An editing or proofreading service
A Tutor’s Goals Are To:
- Promote student success by offering academic support in a variety of subjects
- Assist students in becoming independent, confident learners
- Provide a supportive and stimulating active learning environment
Students Who Make the Most of Their Tutoring Sessions:
- Plan tutoring appointments well in advance of upcoming assignments or exams
- Go over the material to the best of their ability before the session
- Come prepared with a plan of specific questions and problems to discuss with the tutor
- Bring relevant course materials (writing prompts, rubrics, texts, assignment sheets, class handouts)
- Actively participate in the session
Why should I use tutoring?
- To identify and clarify key concepts
- To organize and remember information
- To integrate text and lecture notes
- To prepare for a test or quiz
- To learn and improve study strategies
What should I bring to the tutoring session?
- Textbooks
- Class notes
- Text notes
- Syllabus
- Past quizzes and tests
- Homework
- Assignment sheets
- Writing prompts
- Rubrics
What about confidentiality?
Tutors maintain strict confidentiality and do not share any information regarding student clients and tutoring sessions with anyone other than the Director of Learning Commons. Tutors have permission to share information about your tutoring with the Director of Learning Commons if necessary. This is for your benefit. The Learning Commons keeps record of all tutoring activities, and all Learning Commons tutors sign a Confidentiality Agreement as a condition of their employment.
What can I expect from a tutor?
Tutors are expected to facilitate student learning by:
- Discussing specific course content
- Promoting and modeling the use of appropriate study strategies
- Emphasizing active learning techniques
- Practicing good listening and communication skills
- Maintaining scheduled hours
- Respecting students’ rights to confidentiality
It is important to note that tutors are not “homework machines” or miracle workers. If you procrastinated throughout the semester, cramming with a tutor the night before a major exam will not produce good results. If you plan to visit a writing tutor, keep in mind that last minute revisions are not effective.
What will a tutor expect from me?
Tutees are expected to be active participants in their tutoring sessions. Bring relevant materials to the tutoring session. Come prepared by:
- Attending class
- Taking notes
- Reading assignments
- Trying homework problems
- Preparing questions
- Attending tutoring sessions on a regular basis
When can I meet with a tutor?
Tutoring typically begins during the second full week of classes. Currently, all tutoring takes place in-person (in masks) on a drop-in basis at the Learning Commons. To learn more, scroll up to the tab "Drop-In Tutoring: How It Works."
Are there other options available for tutoring?
Yes! The Smarthinking online service is also available to you. Smarthinking gives students anytime, anywhere access to academic help from experts with an average of 12 years of experience in their field. Each Utica College student can access their Smarthinking account with their Utica username and password at this link: http://smarthinking.3327e.com/. Tutors are available in the following subjects:
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, A&P, Organic Chemistry, Physics)
- Business
- Spanish
- Computers & Technology (InDesign & Photoshop, C++, C#, Java, Python, etc.)
- Nursing
- Reading
- Writing
Questions about tutoring?
Please contact Kathleen Savino, Director of Learning Commons, at 315-792-3369 or at tutoring@3327e.com.
Utica’s peer tutors are a select group of students who demonstrate subject proficiency as well as the interpersonal skills necessary for good working relationships. Working as a tutor offers you many benefits and valuable experiences.
What are the requirements of a peer tutor?
- 'B+' or above in the course you wish to tutor, and a 3.0 (or higher) cumulative GPA
- Completion of two semesters of college
- Ability and commitment to work at least one full academic year as a tutor (preferred; exceptions are made on an as-needed basis)
- Enthusiasm for your academic subject and an interest in helping your peers learn
How much will I be able to tutor?
Peer tutoring is a paid position, and tutors typically work 3–8 hours per week, depending on the tutor's schedule and available funding. Tutoring as part of work study for undergraduate applicants is preferred but not required.
What does tutor training involve?
You are required to complete several hours of (paid) training before beginning work as a tutor. Training topics include:
- Tutor role do’s and don’ts
- How to be an effective facilitator of student learning
- Conducting a successful tutoring session
- Dealing with difficult situations
- Listening and communication skills
I'm interested! How do I apply?
- Review the Peer Tutor job description
- Complete and submit an application via Utica University's Student Employment Portal
- Send an email to Kathleen Savino, the Director of the Learning Commons, indicating your interest to work as a tutor after you have completed all the steps above. Please email Kathleen at tutoring@3327e.com.
Contact Us
Kathleen Savino

Kathleen Savino
Director of Tutoring
(315) 792-3369

I would like to see logins and resources for:
For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.